Product Highlight
At that time, we will display 5G WiFi Conference System, D7600 Paperless Conference System, MAG2400 Dante Network PA System and other hot-sale systems.
5G WiFi Conference System
5G WiFi conference system adopts 5GHz communication frequency band, and wireless WiFi digital audio transmission technology, supports Dante protocol, and provides a high-fidelity, safe and stable wireless digital conference system solution without compression, loss, or delay.
D7600 Paperless Conference System
The paperless conference system integrates professional audio and video technology, intelligent central control system and information technology, and provides extremely convenient interface for all participants. The conference platform can reduce conference costs, improve conference efficiency, ensure conference information security, and improve conference quality, bringing a new conference experience to participants.
MAG2400 Dante Network PA System
Dante intelligent public address system adopts modular and hierarchical design. Based on the most advanced Dante digital audio protocol, it realizes the lossless compression, long-distance transmission and humanized management of high-fidelity audio broadcasting signals. It is a highly networked, integrated and intelligent public address system. It can be strongly interactive, and is widely applicable to airports, railways, highways and other occasions.
Exhibition Information
Exhibition Time: 8-11 May, 2021
Exhibition Address: Poly World Trade Center Expo, Guangzhou, China
DSPPA Booth: Hall 2, 2C-02A